The Copenhagen Fortifications

The Copenhagen Fortifications 1886-1920

The Fortifications of Copenhagen 1886-1820 was one of the largest metropolitan fortifications in Europe at that time.
It is still one of the best preserved – perhaps in the world.

The Copenhagen’s fortifications were built in the period 1886 – 1894, a period of great political divisions, doubts about the Army and the Navy and above all Denmark’s foreign political status.
This were the consequences of the total Danish defeat in the Danish-Prussian War in 1864.

In 1880 some modernization of a number of coastal and maritime forts had already begun, and in 1886 the construction of the metropolitan fortress itself began. This happened for eight years without Parliament’s approval and the period is probably the most dramatic half century in recent Danish history.
At the time of construction, the forts and the ramparts were worthy opponents with their 15 cm cannons, machineguns and concrete buildings.
But the development was fast moving from the great massive forts and already around the turn of the century both the entire fortification and its  armament were outdated.

The Bagsvaerd Fort

By a political settlement in 1909 it was decided to construct the Tune Position between the two waters Køge Bugt and Roskilde Fjord. This happened shortly after the outbreak of the 1. World dwar.
Small concrete stands and pillboxes, field artillery and trenches replaced the massive forts and batteries.

In 1920 the fortification of Copenhagen was abandoned, but not demolished.

The site conveys the knowledge of Copenhagen as a fortified city in Europe’s fortress history. At the same time, the political story is told.
The fortification is put in relief of the historical, military and technological developments in Europe before World War I.