The Hornbäk Battery

Besides Bangsbo Fort, only one coastal defense facility was taken over unchanged from the German navy,  the Hornbæk Battery. The battery is therefore included in this regard.

 In July 1940, Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung (AAB) 508 was established with staff battery and headquarters in Gilleleje.
 Below AAB 508 lay west of Gilleleje coastal batteries Spodsbjerg and Salhøjgård and east and southeast of Glleleje, respectively, the batteries Hesbjerg, Hornbæk, Helsingør and Nivå.

Battery Hornbæk was built east of Hornbæk town in Hornbæk Plantation. At the construction, the battery was 10 meters from the beach, but today the cannons are on the beach itself. The battery area measured approx. 1000 × 1300 meters.

Pictures from Hornbæk battery 1946/47

Already on April 12, 1940, some conquered Czech 10.5 cm cannons had been set up in almost the same place where battery Hornbæk was placed a few months later.
The plant will start on May 15, when the four Lomholdt cannons are seized from the Danish magazines. The original Danish designation was 12 cm. H.s.K. (fast shooting steel cannon) L / 45 M / 12, engineered by Colonel Lieutenant N.E. Loomed in 1912 and built at Army Clothing Store.
The firing range was 9,400 meters and the grenade weighed 20 kg. The cannon’s firing rate was 5-6 shots / min. Each cannon was covered with a blurry umbrella mounted on the cannon tower, so it followed the cannon’s movements.

On May 27, the crew arrived and on May 31 the battery was declared ready for operation. June 7, the battery is put in and 800 grenades are stored.
The task was to block the waters of Öresund as well as guarding minefields and the barrier network that emanated from Ellekilde art the coast to the sailing channel.
 The entire area was surrounded by barbed wire and both the beach and parts of the plantation were mined. At the end of August two Danish 150 cm will be erected. floodlights on the east and west wings, respectively.

 The fire control post post was a three-story concrete structure immediately behind the battery.
A listening station was established which operated with 2 French listening devices in the eastern part of the battery between the beach and the beach road. Whether this was connected to the battery is unknown.
Centrally just behind the battery line, the fire manager post was located on three floors in a lightweight concrete structure and a superstructure of wood. A 20 meter high observation tower was erected on the opposite side of Nordre Strandvej.

In addition, the battery was fitted with two 37 mm. anti-tank guns and two, later three, par. 20 mm. anti-aircraft gun (FLAK) and some machine guns.

In 1944, some positions were taken to secure the battery against the land side, all equipped with machine guns.
Furthermore, tanks were blocked.

At the end of the war, there were some plans to re-arm the battery in the direction of conversion to FLAK battery (FLAK = Flug AbwehrKanone) which did not materialize, however, and in 1945 the battery was transferred intact with 4 guns to the Danish army.

Immediately after the liberation, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Navy set up a commission to inspect the coastal fortifications that the German military had brought to Denmark during the occupation. The purpose of the inspection was to gain experience in the construction of the new Danish coastal fortification and to propose its interior design.
The Commission submitted its final report on all 79 batteries for the two ministries September 13, 1946. In the report Hornbæk’s battery was described as follows:

As the only German facility apart from Bangsbo Fort, the defense found it useful due to the condition of the concrete and cannons as well as the location at the entrance to the Sound. The coastal defense then took over the facility. The four bricks and cannons, the fire chief post and the observation tower were kept unchanged.
In 1952, the guns were designated hSKL (Schnell Schiesende Stahlkanone) M / 12.

In connection with the plant, after the war two parcels were erected. 40 mm. Bofors anti-aircraft gun R.K.L / 60 M / 36.

For the crew, there were a number of wooden buildings both in the battery area (4 pieces for kitchen, canteen and arrest) and on the opposite side of Nordre Strandvej (3 pieces for accommodation of crew). These were listed by the Germans.

There has also been a small booth in the battery. A beer at the bar costs 60 cents and a broken glass for 4 kr.
The crew came from the Coastal Defense which belonged to the Navy.
Until 1950 there was only a small guard force on the battery, and then the supervision was transferred to a Fort Master and from 1952 the battery was only used for instruction shootings with 120 mm. guns.
On April 1, 1958, the battery was discontinued and the area surrendered to the Forest Service. The battery equipment was sold as scrap in 1958.
In 1957/58 a total of nine forts and batteries were dismantled in connection with savings on the defense.

 Only THE Langelands Fort, the Stevns Fort and the Bangsbo Fort then remained active.